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Accelerating your Node.js program by parallelizing computation with multicores and multinodes.

Index Documentation Archive for 15-418 Competition

// bar.js
function foo(arg1, arg2) {
    // expensive computation
    return result;
for (var i=0; i<100; i++)
    for (var j=0; j<100; j++) {
        // Launch 10,000 jobs
        $.foo(i, j, (res) => {
            console.log("The result is", res);

# bash
npm install accel -g
acceljs bar.js


Accel.jsParallel.js (Rockstar with 2K+ stars)Cluster (Node.js original)
Computational ResourcesLocal Cores & Cluster CoresLocal CoresLocal Cores
Lines of Code for Similar Tasks (Mandelbrot, ~20 for serial)~40~60~80
Load Balancing AssignmentYESYESNO
Manual AssignmentYESNOYES
Asynchronous Job SupportYESNOYES
Overhead per JobLOWHIGHLOW
Data Synchronization MechanismTransparent sync environmentOne string onlyOne string only
CommunicationAnytime, to Anyone (via Channel)On Spawn only, Master-Worker onlyAnytime, Master-Worker only
Data-Parallel SupportOn the way!YESNO

Wonderful Features

One-step Wrapper to Parallelize Function

Simply by wrapping one function with $(), you can get one distributed version and invoke it on workers. Note that in wrapped functions, you can only refer to $ (synchronized environment) and accel (package itself).

Easy to Go Distributed

All you need to do to parallelize your Node.js application to multiple machines is modify your launching command, e.g., from acceljs bar.js to acceljs -l 4 -r m1:15618 4 bar.js. (For detail refer to acceljs --help)

Environment Synchronization

Accel.js performs smart (delta sync) and transparent environment synchronization to help you transfer all data you want to workers. Since it is delta synchronization, you won't pay for extra communication costs once transferred.

const accel=require("accel");
const $=accel();

$.mixNumber=(c1, c2) => $.alpha*c1+(1-$.alpha)*c2;
$(function foo(n) {
    // you can use $.mixNumber and $.alpha here

Asynchronous Function on Worker

Although Accel.js by default treats one function as completed in return, you can explicitly assign an asynchronous function to worker and it will not be marked completed until callback is invoked.

function bar(time, callback) {
    setTimeout(() => callback("Finishes"), time);
$(bar, "async")(1000, (res) => {
    // will get here after 1000ms

Universal Dependency

When you want to require a dependency for worker, you don't have to do it once in every worker code. Instead, take our universal dependency and use it everywhere.

$.os=accel.require("os");    // introduce an universal dependency
function printOS() {
    return $.os.platform();
console.log(printOS);    // you can use it on master
$(printOS)((res) => console.log(res));  // or use it on worker

MPI Support

Accel.js also have brilliant support for MPI jobs, where you assign long running jobs for each node (instead of assigned by job queues) and each job communicate with each other.

$.ch1=new accel.Channel();  // a multi-producer-multi-consumer channel
function MPIJob(callback) {
    accel.Recv((msg, fromNode) => {  // receive a message from pre-defined channel
        // ...
    $.ch1.Send(someMessage);  // or send one message to self-defined broadcast channel
$(MPIJob, "async").toAll()(() => {
    // since MPI job do not complete, the callback will never get invoked


For complete list of features chck out documentation


Mandelbrot Graph Calculation

1. All experiments are conducted on 4-core machines. Task to be done is rendering 26k x 4k mandelbrot graph and Accel-k denotes the performance of Accel.js on k machines. (Since Parallel.js cannot utilize multiple machines, we ignore Parallel-k)
2. Comparison between Accel-1 and Parallel.js, with trailing -k as the number of subtasks.

Webfont Subsetting Service

1. All experiments are conducted on one 4-core machine.
2. Webfont subsetting service is a Google Font like web app, which receives an URL, crawls its data and subset a large font file. The task is both Disk-I/O-intensive (read and write the font file (~10MBs)) and CPU-intensive (parse the font and setup index in memory)
3. To simulate real workload, all servers are implemented with cache, and it takes almost no time to serve a cache hit.